DBI Virtual Internship

  • Introduction

Don Bosco International is convinced that its presence in the European Institutions is a great learning opportunity for any person willing to do an internship, especially if he/she is prepared properly and closely accompanied.

The situation created by the spread of the covid-19 pandemic prevents DBI from developing a programme of internship in physical presence in our premises in Brussels. However, DBI would like to inaugurate a six month virtual internship programme from January 2021.

  • General information

The virtual internship starts in early January 2021 and last six months.

The virtual intern commits to work from remote 24 hours per week (the hours can be distributed flexibly depending on the events taking place and the personal needs of the intern).

The virtual intern receives from DBI a financial support amounting to 500 euros per month.

A one-week study visit to Brussels (travel and accommodation costs covered by DBI) is offered to the intern within the period of the virtual internship, if the pandemic situation allows it.

The participation on behalf of DBI of the virtual intern in events in physical presence in Brussels or other EU countries will be considered if the pandemic situation allows it.

DBI provides access to a professional email address, but the intern is responsible for his/her own connection and IT devices (laptop, mobile phone) necessary to work for the virtual internship.

DBI provides a professional liability insurance concerning the internship, but the intern must take care of his/her own civil liability insurance.

  • Terms of reference

The virtual intern

  • Commits to respect the values of Don Bosco International.
  • Meets at least once a week online with DBI Executive Secretary in order to report about his/her work.
  • Prepares and submits to the Executive Secretary a monthly report of his/her work.
  • Receives an induction training on EU-level advocacy.
  • Participates on behalf of DBI in relevant EU-level online meetings and events.
  • Supports the dissemination of DBI’s projects and activities via social media and websites.
  • Elaborates reports of online meetings and events.
  • Participates to the online meetings of DBI Expert Groups.
  • Elaborates position papers on particular topics with the support of the Executive Secretary.
  • Can suggest new advocacy, networking or capacity-building initiatives within the framework of DBI Strategic Plan.
  • Elaborates a final report and evaluation of the virtual internship and submits them to the Executive Secretary.
  • Selection procedure

In order to guarantee a fair and transparent selection process, Don Bosco international:

  • Publishes the present call for candidatures on its website and social media;
  • Asks candidates to submit a Curriculum Vitae (2-3 pages max) and a motivation letter (1 page) to dbi@sdb.org by the 30th of November 2020 (NB: please indicate “DBI Virtual Internship” in the email’s object);
  • Selects a limited number of candidates for interviews, which will all take place online by the 18th of December.
  • Selects one virtual intern among the interviewees, sends him/her the contract to be signed and agrees a date in early January to start the virtual internships.
  • Selection criteria

The virtual intern is aged 23-30, speaks a fluent English (knowledge of another EU language is an asset), is willing to teamwork and to learn from this experience, he/she has good reporting and communication skills, he/she has a basic knowledge of office computer systems (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and internet research.

Knowledge of EU policies on children and youth; proven ability to synthesize information and communicate it simply and effectively; qualifications, studies or any formal/informal experience in relevant fields; good knowledge of DBI’s work: all these are relevant criteria for the selection of the virtual intern.

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