

Senegal – SAAM partners in the “Land of Teraanga”

From 10 to 14 July 2023, the meeting of SAAM Steering Committee and Work Package leaders took place in Dakar and Thies (Senegal). The international meeting was organized within the framework of the SAAM (Supporting Alliance for African Mobility), a pilot project funded by the European Union and supported also by the African Union, with the aim of testing the

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Brussels – “Grounded in the Present, skilled for the Future”: a dialogue conference co-organised by DBI, COMECE and FAFCE

On the occasion of the European Year of Skills 2023, Don Bosco International and its partners organised on the 31st of May 2023 the dialogue conference: “Grounded in the Present, skilled for the Future”, addressing reskilling and upskilling in the context of the current challenges of the labour market and education in the EU. The designation of 2023 as the

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Portugal – DBI attended the Porto Social Forum 2023

Porto – On 26 May 2023, the Executive Secretary of Don Bosco International had the pleasure to attend the first day of the Porto Social Forum 2023 organised by the Portuguese Government, supported by the European Commission, in Porto (Portugal). The Porto Social Forum represents the 2nd edition of the Porto Social Summit, held in 2021 during the Portuguese Presidency of

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Event “Africa-EU partnership of equals: how can we get there? Is the Global Gateway fit for purpose?”

In the context of the 6th AU-EU Summit, African and European civil society, including faith-based as well as Church actors, have continued to highlight the need for a more balanced partnership between Africa and Europe. As member of faith-based organisations (FBOs), on 7 March 2023, Don Bosco International co-organised a joint conference held at the European Parliament to offer a

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Uruguay – Quando quasi tutti se ne vanno, i Salesiani restano

(ANS – Montevideo) – Il quartiere Marconi è la cosiddetta “zona rossa” di Montevideo. “Dicono che è la zona più pericolosa della capitale. Dicono che la polizia non ci va. Dicono che è un paradiso per criminali, spacciatori e giovani problematici. Dicono questo e molto di più, ma ci sono persone che dicono qualcosa di diverso”. Nel quartiere Marconi, scenario costante

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