SIRIUS 2.0 Project – PLA in Barcelona

SIRIUS 2.0 Project on Migrant Education has entered its 4th year. The first Peer Learning of this year took place in Barcelona on November 4 and 5, hosted by the Universitat Autonoma.

DBI is dissemination partner of this project. Therefore, we were able to participate with one person, namely our Executive Secretary, Mr Renato Cursi. Other EU level networks too, such as OBESSU and the European Partners Association, joined the Peer Learning as dissemination partners.

Two national partners of the project, respectively from Italy and Finland, joined the event with 4 participants. The Italian partner was represented by our friends of “Salesiani per il Sociale”, the federation of Salesian Social Works in Italy, with 4 participants from the region of Piedmont.

All the participants were able to learn about how many different actors support migrant children and young people, including unaccompanied third-country minors coming of age, through formal and non-formal education in Barcelona.

“What are you going to do for us?”/ An unaccompanied third-country minor, whom we met during our visit, asked this to our group on Friday morning, at the end of a questions&answers session. We keep this question in our hearts and minds as we go back to work in our organizations after this inspring Peer Learning Activity on Migrant Education.

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