Children Rights Forum

Children Rights Forum

2016-11-29 14:00 - 2016-11-30 15:00

The 10th European Forum on the rights of the child which will take place in Brussels on 29 and 30 November 2016. The theme of this year’s meeting is the protection of children in migration.

Participants work in the areas of rights of the child and child protection as well as asylum and migration. One of the underlying objectives is to forge stronger connections between child protection and asylum and migration authorities and actors.
The first day of the conference, 29 November, will be dedicated to high-level speeches, to convey key messages on the human rights of child migrants and to raise awareness on the challenges and protection gaps they face, as well as on solutions and good practice, particularly in Europe.
On the second day, 30 November, there will be four parallel sessions taking a more indepth look at the protection of children in migration, with a focus on promoting good, child-centred and rights-based practice.

Programme of the event: 20161007a programme Forum rights of the child