< 2017 >
February 9
  • 09

    Breakfast Catholic NGOs

    08:00 -10:00

    Communication from Fr. Olivier Poquillon, SG COMECE

    Dear friends,
    First of all, my best wishes for 2017, which will once again be a challenging year for the EU, but also for our organisations working on a day-today basis close to its institutions.

    Today I take the initiative to invite you to a breakfast on Thursday 9 February 2017 at 8:00 am here at COMECE (Square de Meeûs 19). Our objective is to propose an informal meeting between Catholic associations and organisations working with the European Institutions in order to get to know each other better and discuss our respective objectives and projects.
    I hope that you or a member of your team will be able to join us. Please confirm your participation by Friday 27 January at the latest. It will also be an opportunity for us to hear Johan Ketelers about the forum of Catholic inspired

    Luncheon discussion on development funds for security

    12:00 -14:00

    QCEA would like to invite you to our next faith-based organizations’ informal lunch discussion this Thursday 9 February from 12h30 to 14h30 at the Quaker House (50 Square Ambiorix). Kindly note that this next lunch will be open to other peacebuilding, human rights and development civil society organizations in Brussels.

    Topic: This discussion will address the legislative proposal “Regulation of the EU-Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of 11 March 2014 establishing an instrument contributing to stability and peace” (IcSP) that was presented by the EU-Commission together with a Document on Capacity Building in Support of Security and Development (CBSD) in July 2016.  Several civil society organisations have expressed their concern as they see a trend that development funds will be used to ‘train & equip’ partner countries’ armies. Furthermore, they point to the risks involved with this initiative, in particular in the context of fragile states or states that do not show a convincing performance in human rights standards. Last December, the European Parliament (EP) decided that the rapporteur on the CBSD portfolio would be a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) from the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats (EPP). For reference, I attach the legislative proposal to amend the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace for CBSD ( i.e.: Train & Equip initiatives) and the impact assessment accompanying the legislative proposal.  This discussion will be an opportunity to bridge actors and policies on peacebuilding, development and human rights; and for civil society in Brussels to learn about this initiative and/or share interests and concerns on this issue.

    Speakers: We are delighted to welcome two speakers for this discussion:

    Ben Moore, Assistant Director at the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, who will provide a brief overview of this legislative proposal and present the risks associated with it;

    Dr. Martina Fischer, Policy Advisor at Bread for the World (Berlin), who will present the position of her organization on the plans for using the “IcSP” to support military functions and assess the problems related to CBSD from a peace researcher’s perspective.

    Presentation Alto El Fuego - Madrid

    18:00 -21:00

    Event in Spanish



    Con motivo de la conmemoración del Día Internacional contra la Utilización de Niños Soldado,
    queremos invitarle el próximo día 9 de febrero, jueves, al estreno del documental ‘Alto el fuego’ para que conozca la labor de los Salesianos en Colombia con los menores desvinculados del conflicto armado.

    Allí podrá conocer el testimonio de Catalina y Manuel, dos jóvenes desvinculados de las FARC, su proceso de reconstrucción personal, de reinserción en la sociedad y de reencuentro con sus familias.

    El evento tendrá lugar a las 19 horas en el Salón de Actos del Ateneo de Madrid (Calle del Prado, 21)

    Esperamos contar con su presencia y dejamos reservados unos asientos preferentes a su nombre.
    Comuníquelo al personal de sala a su llegada para que le acomoden.
    Jueves, 9 de febrero

    19.00 h
    José Antonio San Martín
    Director de Misiones salesianas
    Proyección de ‘Alto el fuego’
    Raúl de la Fuente
    Director del documental
    Catalina y Manuel
    Jóvenes desvinculados de las FARC

    Rafael Bejarano
    Director de Ciudad Don Bosco

    James Areiza
    Responsable de los Programas de Protección de la Infancia de Ciudad Don Bosco